Sunday, March 15, 2009

A Friendly's Original...

ok. so, i haven't posted since i considered writing a post titled: "illed cheese" due to an overly greasy sandwich from the overlea diner. in their defense, they typically make a perfect grilled cheese. this one just hung out in the butter a little too long, i think. blah. can't even think about it!

last night i willingly jumped back on my wagon. we went to friendly's for dinner and dessert. though it took us 2 hours to eat our meal, they really do make a good sandwich. i'm a big fan of sourdough. actually, i have a really distinct memory from childhood about friendly's grilled cheese sandwiches. whenever we would go out for a night on the town at friendly's with our grandparents, i, of course, would order the grilled cheese from the kid's menu. suddenly, i no longer fit into the kid's menu demographic and had to order the same sandwich from the regular menu. the sandwich came out, and it was very different. it was NOT cut into four little squares, but cut only in half and it was on a different kind of bread. sourdough. i rejected it at first, but by the end of the meal, i really dug it. now it's one of my faves. who would have thought friendly's of all places could open one's view on a new type of bread? a cultural experience, right there in the hear of pasadena.

in any case, last night's sandwich was excellent. not too greasy, lightly golden and with the perfect amount of cheese. the photo above is directly from their menu, which, (and i swore i wouldn't interject my design critiques into this blog) is really nicely designed. the fold and assembly of the menu is a different story.

next month is NATIONAL GRILLED CHEESE MONTH! i'm hoping maybe martha stewart or the food network will give us lots of great sandwich fodder.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Throwdown with Bobby Flay

I'm currently watching a Grilled Cheese throwdown on the Food Network! Bobby is taking on the owners of The Pop Shop in New Jersey. Evidently they are known for their many versions of our favorite sandwich. As I was looking through their website I came across some very exciting information... April is NATIONAL GRILLED CHEESE MONTH! Oh how exciting! They celebrate it every year with lots of different events. Here, check it out....