Friday, April 9, 2010

Dunkin Donuts Grilled Cheese?

it's true! dunkin donuts is now serving a grilled cheese. it's not your typical grilled cheese, however. this sandwich is panini pressed flatbread. it's very light for a grilled cheese, which is nice when you're looking for a quick lunch or a less buttery sandwich. the bread is flaky, yet stable with crispy edges and golden bumps. yum! the cheeses are a combination of american, jack and swiss, which makes me think kim won't be trying it! i stopped in for a coffee this morning and bought the sandwich for lunch at the same time. it held up very nicely for lunch. i put it in the fridge this morning and then reheated it by toaster oven. i don't know if it was my subconscious or not, but maybe there was a tiny underlying pastry taste? the calories were not awful for a grilled cheese either, weighing in at 380. but, hey, calorie counting is not the point of this blog! $2.99 at any dunkin donuts. enjoy!